Spiraken Review Podcast
Television Tuesday Episodes

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
In this podcast episode, Xan and Gretta go over the season finale of Loki as well as the over arching series in general.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 51: Show Discussion For July 7th- July 13th 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
It's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this very special episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan discusses the latest television shows. He begins by discussing the shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discusses the spoilers of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.
In this episode. our intrepid host goes over the latest episode of The Bad Batch
S1E11 "Devil's Due" directed by Stewart Lee
Next, Xan goes over the latest Lego Masters Episode
S2E5: "One Floating Brick"
and then finally our host geeks out about all easters eggs that appeared in the latest episode of Marvel's Loki
S1E4: "Journey Into Mystery" directed by Kate Herron
As our host talks about these shows, he goes over his theories on Loki, discusses the unique concept used in Lego MastersI and ponders the political thoughts in The Bad Batch.
Hope you Enjoy
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.
If there is a show you want us to watch and discuss email us at xan@spiraken.com
Remember to follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, Support our Patreon and also if you would kindly, please go to www.tinyurl.com/helpxan and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode.
#spiraken #televisiontuesday #starwars #badbatch #legomasters #hulu #legomasters #disneyplus #loki #spirakenreviewpodcast
Music Used in This Episode: Mid Theme- Easy Saturday by Bad Snacks (Youtube Audio Library)
Our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spiraken/
Our Email Spiraken@gmail.com
Xan's Email xan@spiraken.com
Our Discord Tinyurl.com/spiradiscord
Our Patreon https://www.patreon.com/spiraken
Our Twitter https://twitter.com/spiraken
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/spiraken
Our Amazon Store http://www.amazon.com/shops/spiraken
Random Question of the Day: Who was your favorite Varient Loki?

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 50: Show Discussion for June 30th - July 6th 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
It's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this very special episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan and Gretta not only discuss the latest television shows but also some of the Latest Anime shows for Summer 2021. They begin by discussing the shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilers of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 49: Show Discussion for June 23rd -June 29th 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan and Gretta discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilers of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 48:Show Discussion from June 16th- 22nd 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilers of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 47: Show Discussion from June 9th to June 15th
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
It's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilers of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 46: Shows From June 2nd to June 8th 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
It's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilers of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 45: TV Shows From May 26th-June 1st 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
It's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilers of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 44: TV From The Week of May19th-May 25th
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan and Gretta discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilery Goodness of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.

Monday May 17, 2021
Spiraken Television Tuesday Ep 43: Show Discussion For May 11-17th
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
It's Time For TV TUESDAY
In this episode of Spiraken's Podcast about the latest Television episodes and series, Xan and Gretta discuss the latest shows in the Spoiler Free Section and then after the music discuss the spoilery Goodness of this week's Television episodes.
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.
First our intrepid hosts go over the latest episode of The Bad Batch
S1E03 "Replacements" directed by Nathanial Villauneva
Next,Xan and Gretta go over the quarter finales of The Masked Singer
S5E09: "The Quarter Finals - Five Fan Favorites"
And Then finally Gretta gets to go over a show that came out a few years about but is new for her. So enjoy as they review the 2018 adaptation of WM Thackery's Vanity Fair
S1E1: "Miss Sharp in the Presence of the Enemy" directed by James Strong
As they discuss these television programs, Xan goes over the various Star Wars easter eggs, Gretta goes overs the unique nature of Becky Sharp and there is tons of debate on who the Chameleon is.
Hope you Enjoy
As usual all spoilers will be after the mid credits so if you have not watched the episodes, please stop listening so you are not spoiled.
If there is a show you want us to watch and discuss email us at xan@spiraken.com
Remember to follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, Support our Patreon and also if you would kindly, please go to www.tinyurl.com/helpxan and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode.
#spiraken #televisiontuesday #starwars #badbatch #maskedsinger #disneyplus #hulu #spirakenreviewpodcast #hulu #amazonprime #vanityfair2018
Music Used in This Episode: Mid Theme- Easy Saturday by Bad Snacks (Youtube Audio Library)
Our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spiraken/
Our Email Spiraken@gmail.com
Xan's Email xan@spiraken.com
Our Discord Tinyurl.com/spiradiscord
Our Patreon https://www.patreon.com/spiraken
Our Twitter https://twitter.com/spiraken
Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/spiraken
Our Amazon Store http://www.amazon.com/shops/spiraken
Random Question of the Day: Who is the chameleon?