Spiraken Review Podcast
Game Podcast Episodes

Friday Apr 15, 2022
Game On, Xan! Ep 005: Interview with Amit Moshe - Tokyo Other-Scape
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
In This episode, Xan gets to interview Amit Moshe, Creator of the tabletop RPG, City of Mist. They discuss the upcoming game Tokyo: Otherscape - A Mythic RPG.

Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Game on Xan! Ep 004: Interview with John Schmidt- Hard Rock Apocalypse TTRPG
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
In This episode, Xan gets to interview John Schmidt, Creator of the upcoming Tabletop Role Playing Game, Hard Rock Apocalypse.
Besides going over the game, Xan & John, discuss the origins of this game( all hail The Six String Samurai), the unique concept that is the Devil's Advocate, the fact that rules are meant to be broken and the amazing potential games you can make in this metal-tastic game. Note that this was recorded before Gen-Con 2021, we apologize for the lateness in this episode's release to both the creators of HRA and you our fans.
If you would like to know more, follow the Hard Rock Apocalypse Twitter @therocapoc or check out their facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/492503598448817/
Remember to Like, Share and Subscribe. Follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, subscribe to this podcast and our YouTube channel, Support our Patreon and if you would kindly, please go to www.tinyurl.com/helpxan and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Also join our discord and Thank you and hope you enjoy this episode.
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Music Used in This Episode: Closing Theme-Burst of Light by Abbynoise (Uppbeat)
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):http://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/burst-of-lightLicense code: HZ86ZYD29BRAOZIZ
Our Website https://www.spiraken.com
Our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spiraken/
Our Email Spiraken@gmail.com
Xan's Email xan@spiraken.com
John's twitter @therocapoc
Hard Rock Apocalypse Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/492503598448817/
Our Patron https://www.patreon.podbean.com/spiraken or https://www.patreon.com/spiraken
Our Discord https://tinyurl.com/spiradiscord
Our Twitter https://twitter.com/spiraken
Our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/spiraken
Our Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/spiraken
Our Amazon Store http://www.amazon.com/shops/spiraken
Random Question of the Day: What metal song would you play during game play?

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Spiraken Let's Play Marvel's Spider-man part 2
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Here is part 2 of Xan's first playthrough of "Marvel Spider-man" for PS4

Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Spiraken Let's Play! Marvel's Spider-man Part 1
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Welcome to Spiraken's Let's Play of "Marvel's Spider-man" for the ps4. This is a bit disjointed but hope you enjoy

Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Spiraken Game Review: Persona 5
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Hello ladies and gents, boys and girls, reds, blues and all you good folk of the Spiraken community! We’re back discussing your eventually go-to devices for all the entertainment you could want. In this episode, Xan gets to review arguably the greatest RPG of all time in Altus's latest installement in the Shin Megumi Tensai Series, "Persona 5"
From the unique combat/ negotiation system to the amazing character social link system and the revitalized fusion system, Xan gives an in depth review of this amazing PS4/PS3 game.
Besides talking about the awesomeness of Persona 5, Xan discusses the history of the Persona Franchise, the origin of the term picaresque and the hypocracy of certain elements in the confidant/social link system
If you want to join Xan in the Phantom Thieve Association and help him out, Xan's PSN ID is Xan_ Spiraken. If you want to play Simpsons Tapped Out with Xan, his friendiD is "Alexdvillan". Please add him. If you want to recommend what games we should review next, just shoot us a message or ten on twitter or at our email accounts! Game on!

Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Spiraken Game Review: E3 2014 reaction
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Hello ladies and gents, boys and girls, reds, blues and all you good folk of the Spiraken community! We’re back discussing your eventually go-to devices for all the entertainment you could want. In this episode, Lethal and Xan go over the upcoming games announced at E3 2014 "
The biggest game they focus on is The Upcoming WiiU version of The Legend of Zelda which looks awesome
If you want to play Simpsons Tapped Out with Xan, his friendiD is "Alexdvillan". Please Add Him.If you want to recommend what games we should review next, just shoot us a message or ten on twitter or at our email accounts! Game on!

Saturday Mar 15, 2014
Spiraken Game Review: Aliens Colonial Marines
Saturday Mar 15, 2014
Saturday Mar 15, 2014
Hello ladies and gents, boys and girls, reds, blues and all you good folk of the Spiraken community! We’re back discussing your eventually go-to devices for all the entertainment you could want. In this episode, Raze and Xan review the long delayed Sci Fi Action Horror game "Aliens Colonial Marines"
If you want to play Simpsons Tapped Out with Xan, his friendiD is "Alexdvillan". Please Add Him. Also Baz stops in to make a little cameo and we also talk a bit about Fable Anniversery Ed. If you want to recommend what games we should review next, just shoot us a message or ten on twitter or at our email accounts! Game on!

Saturday Feb 15, 2014
Spiraken Game Review: String Arcade Meets Flappy Bird
Saturday Feb 15, 2014
Saturday Feb 15, 2014
Hello ladies and gents, boys and girls, reds, blues and all you good folk of the Spiraken community! We’re back discussing your eventually go-to devices for all the entertainment you could want. In this episode, Raze and Xan review a game inspired album called "The String Arcade"
Meanwhile Lethal spends the majority of the episode trying to play "Flappy Bird" and fails at it
If you want to play Simpsons Tapped Out with Xan, his friendiD is "Alexdvillan". Please Add Him. Also Baz stops in to make a little cameo and we also talk a bit about Fable Anniversery Ed. If you want to recommend what games we should review next, just shoot us a message or ten on twitter or at our email accounts! Game on!
Music For Episode: Intro Music - Theme Song ( Flappy Bird OST ), Background Music -Grasswalk- Plants Vs Zombies by The String Arcade ( The String Arcade ), Background Music -Altered Beasts Theme Song by The String Arcade ( The String Arcade ), Ending Music - Legend of Zelda Main Theme by The String Arcade ( The String Arcade OST )
Our Website http://www.spiraken.com
Raze's Email Raze@spiraken.com
Cohost's Email lethal@spiraken.com
Cohost's Email Xan@spiraken.com
Gues Host's Email Xan@spiraken.com
Our Twitter Spirakengame
Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken
Our Amazon Store http://www.amazon.com/shops/spiraken
Random Question of the Week: What's your high score on Flappy Bird?

Thursday Jan 30, 2014
Spiraken Gam Review: Damn You Cat Mario
Thursday Jan 30, 2014
Thursday Jan 30, 2014
Hello ladies and gents, boys and girls, reds, blues and all you good folk of the Spiraken community! We’re back discussing your eventually go-to devices for all the entertainment you could want. In this episode, Raze,Lethal and Xan discuss their Hatred for that most evil of evil games, "Cat Mario"
There is also discussion about the upcoming "Alien: Isolation" game, our feelings about Rogue Legacy and Star Trek Legacy, as well as some basic info on the Survivalist Game Rust. Also if you want to play Simpsons Tapped Out with Xan, his friendiD is "Alexdvillan". add him
If you fast forward to after the ending music, you can hear our intrepid hosts reaction to playing Cat Mario. If you want to recommend what games we should review next, just shoot us a message or ten on twitter or at our email accounts! Game on!
Music For Episode: Intro Music -Super Mario Bros 2 Theme Song (This Name Is Fail Remix) by Rocker Dubstep ( Youtube ), Ending Music - Main Theme ( Rust OST )
Our Website http://www.spiraken.com
Raze's Email Raze@spiraken.com
Cohost's Email lethal@spiraken.com
Cohost's Email Xan@spiraken.com
Our Twitter Spirakengame
Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken
Our Amazon Store http://www.amazon.com/shops/spiraken
Random Question of the Week: How many lives did it take you to beat Cat Mario Level 1?

Friday Dec 27, 2013
Spiraken Game Review: Bioshock Infinite DLC-Burial at Sea Ep 1 Review
Friday Dec 27, 2013
Friday Dec 27, 2013
Hello ladies and gents, boys and girls, reds, blues and all you good folk of the Spiraken community! We’re back discussing your eventually go-to devices for all the entertainment you could want. In this episode, Lethal and Xan discuss our feelings about the Latest DLC for Bioshock Infinite, "Burial at Sea Ep 1."
Besides discussion on if the DLC met our expectation, we also discuss what will happen in Episode 2. If you’d like us to talk a little more about this or you’d like to converse with us about Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea, just shoot us a message or ten! Game on!
Music For Episode: Intro Music -The Ocean on his Shoulders by Garry Schyman ( Bioshock OST ), Ending Music - Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin ( Bioshock OST )
Our Website http://www.spiraken.com
Raze's Email Raze@spiraken.com
Cohost's Email lethal@spiraken.com
Cohost's Email Xan@spiraken.com
Our Twitter Spirakengame
Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken
Our Amazon Store http://www.amazon.com/shops/spiraken
Random Question of the Week: Did the return to Rapture meet your expectations?